Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day 53

Mood: Disappointed

Diet: 8 chicken breasts, vegetables, lots of water

So yesterday after my final workout, the bottom of my foot was hurting real bad, so I took off my sock and there was another huge blister but this time on my left foot. I can't do cardio today, since I can barely walk, I have raw skin on where I plant my feet. I'm going to lift however and do some crunches. We'll see if the skin has dried up by tomorrow so I can amp the cardio up for the last three days that I'm going to be in Texas


Chest press 4 sets until failure
Cable cross overs 4 sets until failure

Lat pull downs 4 sets until failure
lower back crunches 2 sets of 50 reps



jk said...

Oh, I know exactly what you're talking about. For me, my foot normally hurts for 2-3 days and then heals over with tougher skin. Take it easy though, you're in it for the long run.

Jeremy said...

I hope you saw Larry's awesome comment the other day. He is a great guy, and has a point -- we need to plan our attack for this year. I get back on Saturday. I forget your arrival time, but I remember you mentioning it to me.

Btw, I have $$ in case you win the bet, haha. So I hope you're not lazing out, which I'm sure is not the case.

Hope those blisters heel soon. Tape em up ! Wear multiple pairs of socks or something. I know it's painful, but bro, the hulk feels no pain !!


See you soon buddy,

to a great year,
