Monday, August 11, 2008

Day 36: Just like Rocky

Mood: Excited

Diet so far: chicken with vegetables, bottle of water

So yesterday I arrived at Angel Fire, New Mexico which is basically a little town on the top of a mountain. At night time, it was so scary driving up a mountain with tons of turns and not having a barrier on the side of the road to protect you if something happened, yea I pretty much would have crashed to my death down the mountain. An elk thought he was big stuff and decided to walk onto the road, thankfully I braked in time and didnt swerve to avoid him because that would have been disastrous. So yeah, I'm about 14,000 feet above sea level on a beautiful mountain. I will be staying here for the next week. I tried running a bit outside yesterday at 2 in the morning and I lost my breath so quickly, I felt a bit lightheaded, but I think it was because I drove 15+ hours to get here while my parents dozed off the whole trip. My parents have been amazed that I've been eating so healthy. My dad yesterday asked me what have you done with my son when I didn't order a burger and fries. Those times are long gone, just a bunch of lean protein from here on out.

I found a library up here which lets out of town guests use their computers for free so I lucked out. Hopefully, I will be able to join the shreddersphere soon, it would be such an honor to be a part of a group of individuals that are pushing themselves to their limits everyday and are supporting each other in the process. Jeremy you would love it here, I feel like Rocky Balboa running on top of a mountain.

Today, I plan on doing some weight training with the weights I brought from home (chest/biceps/triceps) plus I bought a weighted jump rope and so I'll do that for an hour (cardio).


Anonymous said...

If you are indeed above 10,000 feet, you will need to aclimatize to the altitude. Also, drink, drink drink water. Really important at altitude. Exercise may take your breath away - it's the altirude. Take it slow and easy as you get into it.

Have a great vacation.

Jeremy said...

haha, I'm going to call you Rocky from now on.

That's so sick man. If you keep up the running, especially at high altitude, you'll be in such great cardiovascular shape when you return to sea level.

Keep up the good work,


ps. So glad you found a library. Now there is no excuse !

pps. the hulk would have thrown the deer / elk whatever it was down the mountain. Glad you're not that angry, lol