Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 52

Mood: Excellent

Diet: 6 chicken breasts, three salads

Current weight: 197 pounds

So today I went to the gym to play a little basketball and lift some weights. I'm going back to school in 4 days so I've got to amp up the lifting and the cardio because in 4 days I will only have about two weeks left to lose the rest of my 20 pound goal.


Bicep curls 4 sets of 8-12 reps until failure

Triceps 4 sets of 8-12 reps until failure

Shoulders 4 sets of 8-12 reps until failure


10 min HIIT Cardio

1 hour of full court basketball

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Rick,
You have really done well this summer and no doubt that you will be attaining your goal.

As you head back to Brown - Have you thought about what your routine will be when you get back? Being in a new routine changes things up and can goof you up unless you have put together a plan ahead of time.

For instance - How will you deal with eating in the school dining room (unless you are off campus obviously), how and when will you fit in your lifting around your class schedule, how will you deal with the social pressure of beer which can ruin your best nutrition efforts - - just to name a few?

Don't mean to preach, just want you to stay on track.

Jeremy this is for you too! :)

You guys are doing awesome. Keep at it. Best of luck this year at Brown. You are seniors? Whoo hoo make the most of it - the year will go by real fast then you face the "real " world.