Mood: Relieved
Water: About 100 ozs
Diet: Salad with mandarin oranges and chicken, oatmeal, can of tuna
So today Jeremy decided to show me the ins and outs of lactic acid training the day after I killed my shoulders and back. It was ok, I was up for it. We sis multi-angle dumbbell bench press (once going down and once going up) I lost count on the reps I accomplished since after the lift, I almost passed out. I also did 5 sets of 150 pounds on back rows for 5 reps each set. On biceps, I did as many reps as possible on a lower weight than I normally do. 1st cycle- 25 reps, 2nd cycle-21 reps, 3rd cycle-15 reps, and 4th cycle -14 reps after that I was done. After this intense workout, I was pretty much gone and Jeremy decided that it would be a fun idea to run my fastest mile. Wheezing while walking over to the treadmill, I gave it my all. I finished the mile in under 8:4o which is pretty good for me since I'm still out of shape.
Abs: I did them, not too bad
After this workout, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. I pushed myself to my limits. Overall, I'm feeling good, working towards that goal. I'm also seeing muscle definition in my arms, they're starting to become a lot less amorphous so I'm happy about that. Getting the guns haha.
Until next time, feel free to leave a comment or suggestion.
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